Monday, April 28, 2008

Like You Wouldn't Believe...

I love you
I do
I love you, like you wouldn't believe...

I love you,
like it hurts, like it soothes,
like it soars, like it falls,
like it holds, like it drops, like... never ending...
an unrequited love,
a love that expects nothing in return,
that desires... yearns... so much,
but quiet... utters for nothing,


to see you happy, and smiling,
in the arms of your true love.
You will find my love unexpected, uninvited, I know...
it overwhelms even me, sincerely, ardently so...

And please,
don't mistake my love for what it is not,
you are loved, more than you know,
more than you can comprehend.
Let it be that you know you are loved so,
let that knowledge comfort you, envelop you in warmth,
a blanket woven with my devotion,
if knowing that lights up eyes,
eyes weary, but flickering brightly,
my declaration is worthy
and my love is pure.

It is a love out of place in time and circumstance,
and perhaps,
in the right time and circumstance,
maybe you would have felt the same,
maybe it would have been a shared love,
nurtured together,
grown together,
glowing brightly...
And yet, it cannot be,
and accepting that is accepted,
though my feelings remain, lingering, burning within...

But there is nothing for you to fear,
oh no, my darling, nothing at all,
for you are loved, deeply loved,
and may that love bring forth good fortune,
bring you your heart's desire,
whoever it may be,
for it is your happiness that is key,
the key to how it should be...


I love you
I do
I love you, like you wouldn't believe,
and I hope you believe

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