Monday, April 28, 2008

Like Nothing Else Matters

his eyes
look into the distance,
running, steady,
running, focused,
like nothing else matters...

...his forehead, wrinkled with thought,
cool... warm... hot;
a bead of sweat escapes, rushes down,
coming to a sudden stop:
on the tip of his eyelash,
balanced, precarious...

...he breathes in the cool, crisp air,
thirsty lungs soak it with pleasure,
his bloody heart grabs greedily,
its lion's share...

...the steep, unforgiving slope beckons,
calling his name,
daring him, taunting him,
demanding 'what matters?'
the march of the feet is his answer,
like nothing else matters...

...gentle thuds turn hard and fast,
adrenaline dances wildly,
consuming his thighs, tantalising his limbs;
the sun's rays stroke hard his stubbled face,
hard glare into defensive glasses;
perspiring, throbbing,
his body lets out a cry, a stifled moan...

...the end is in sight,
the weary body relieved, reassured,
softly whispers to aching legs 'hush';
something is rising, deep inside,
his song, melismatic,
he smiles, knowingly:

his eyes
they are looking into the distance,
running, steady,
running, focused,
like nothing else matters...


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